To convert our semen energy into
Ojas energy Meditation.
Our virya sakti becomes ojas sakti
how to do Friends let us know
There is nothing like virya shakti in ojas shakti
Can be transformed.
You sit in a clean place
will be You just have to sit on the Siddhasana
Because it is yours when you sit on the throne
The heel is your anus
And when your feet are in the middle of the urinal
There is a nerve in the ankle pressure.
As a result of reading profession in that nerve that place
get locked As a result, your sex
The energy helps to move upwards.
Now you have to do the main thing.
You have to pull up the N.S
Whenever you pull up the N.S
That's when your anus
And the middle of the urethra will also pull upwards.
Between the anus and the urethra
Muladhara chakra is located in this chakra
Humans have supernatural powers. It's common
An ordinary person only has that power
I use it in intercourse. because
Actually his right work is going above him
to do Ascending we have 7 chakras
Activates and those 7 chakras are activated
Only then can we gain miraculous power
So whenever you pull your N.S on top
Then the lower part of your stomach will be pulled inside.
Now you breathe in your breath
As long as you hold the inside.
(Breath is the main closed to hold the inside.)
Remember that your breath is up to the navel.
When you leave the breath, you are out.
To make you an image in the breath
Will be your energy with breathing
Blast is going to the brain from the mainstream cycle.
(This is what the sexual urea transformation)
If you want to practice this meditation.
Then from a spiritual master
Do with the order.